I first stumbled across e2 when I heard they designed a Pop Up pub for ad agency Droga5 as part of a summer promotion for Australia's most popular tipple, VB. They also designed the $10 million 'Centre of Service Excellence' for Qantas - an interesting experiment in simulating workspaces to train and inspire staff.
e2's Creative Director is Alex Ritchie, an architect-turned-industrial designer who also happens to be one of the designers behind the Millennium Dome in London. He's exactly as a creative should be - disheveled, passionate, silly, innately talented.
He co-founded e2 in Sydney a couple of years ago with another Scotsman, Robbie Robertson, which is one of first consultancies in Australia to specialize in the burgeoning field of experiential design. They told me their biggest challenge is explaining what 'experiential design' means to potential clients. It's one of those waffly, new-age marketing terms that is misunderstood and ambiguous, yet I think they're onto something as e2 was singled out in BRW's 2010 list of Fast Starter companies.
Alex is an architect/Creative Director and Robbie is the one who's good with business plans and spreadsheets. I interviewed them about e2's business evolution, and the story appears here on CreativeInnovation. It's long but (I hope) worth reading if you're a small business owner in the branding/experiential space.