March 20, 2013

"I like to soak in now-ness"

This week, I interviewed Nathan Yong for Incubate magazine.

Nathan Yong is an industrial designer based in Singapore, who creates furniture and objects that are deceptively simple and beautifully engineered. He is taking the international design world by storm, yet remains endearingly humble.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes from our interview:

"I see poetry in the everyday: an ice cream dropping on the ground, a sad child, a rusty tool, a broken chair... everything seems to be in slow motion and beautiful for me... I know it is a cliche but it's true for me, I like to soak in now-ness."

"To me beauty is skin deep, we need more depth to appreciate how things work, and from these understandings we can appreciate the things around us, it is my way of respecting life.

"Design is sexy but without any purpose or reason, it can be dumb at times. Engineering is clever and that to me is sexy."

"My constant goal is to always be a better designer and a person, I believe the rest are transient and don't really matter."

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